Creation of a national Geo-Drilling Events database

Creation of a national Geo-Drilling Events database

Rig offshore

Client: Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN)

Location: Netherlands

WellSpec designed and created a Geo-Drilling Events (GDE) database for Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN). Detailed content was created through thorough and systematic offset reviews of more than 1,100 wellbores. The database is freely accessible for operators in The Netherlands and contains detailed drilling event information from existing wells and provides a better understanding of geological related drilling events (GDEs) and hazards in the Dutch subsurface. 

Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN) is owned by the Dutch state and is a non-operating partner in nearly all oil and gas projects in the Netherlands.

Results: Online national Geo-Drilling Events database available to operators in The Netherlands.

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